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An amazing kick-off at the Harris Federation Apprenticeship Launch! 🎉 200 students & parents joined us at Queen Mary University. Huge thanks to all who attended, to for organising & for their continued support.


Students who purchase their own subscriptions spend around £600 for this fantastic, grade-maximising platform that incorporates revision, retrieval and exam practice, so we are delighted to be funding this for every individual for their full courses.


UpLearn’s model enables students to add hundreds of hours of independent learning and review, utilising AI and tailored learning interventions to ensure that every student can reach their full potential, get top grades and go on to their destination of choice.


We are delighted that all Harris Sixth Form students studying Sciences/Maths/Psychology/Economics now have fully-funded access to UpLearn.


Students who purchase their own subscriptions spend around £600 for this fantastic, grade-maximising platform that incorporates revision, retrieval and exam practice, so we are delighted to be funding this for every individual for their full courses.


UpLearn’s model enables students to add hundreds of hours of independent learning and review, utilising AI and tailored learning interventions to ensure that every student can reach their full potential, get top grades and go on to their destination of choice.


Super proud to announce our three-year partnership with The Harris Federation.We're delighted to be supporting thousands of students across all 28 Sixth Form schools.Find out more...


Super proud to announce our three-year partnership with The Harris Federation.We're delighted to be supporting thousands of students across all 28 Sixth Form schools.Find out more...



Come along to the open evening at our campus. Tour the Academy, hear from the head teacher and find out more from current students. Thursday 5th October 2023


Apply now for September 23


A huge thanks to Sophie Willmott from BT who led an apprenticeship event for students and parents yesterday at HCACP. Representatives from the NHS, and the finance sector also contributed to this event.


A huge thanks to Sophie Willmott from BT who led an apprenticeship event for students and parents yesterday at HCACP. Representatives from the NHS, and the finance sector also contributed to this event.


Harris Academy Greenwich 6th Form Application NOW OPEN – Deadline 31st March 2023-Recently awarded “Outstanding”-Top 10% of schools in England for 6th Form Results!-24% of our Y13 students(2022) accepted to Russell group universitiesClick Here to APPLY


Fantastic to have the first Harris Scholars event at this Monday. Thank you to our excellent tutors from who spent two hours really engaging the students in some high-level academic research exploring the meaning of 'the body' in different disciplines.


Come along to our Beckenham Campus this Thursday and find out more about our Level 3 coursesThursday, 24 November4.30pm - 6.30pmRegister your interest below


Fantastic to have the first Harris Scholars event at this Monday. Thank you to our excellent tutors from who spent two hours really engaging the students in some high-level academic research exploring the meaning of 'the body' in different disciplines.


Don't miss our Bromley campus Sixth Form tomorrow, Thursday 17th November 2022 from 5.30pm - 7pm


Harris Academy Greenwich Sixth Form Open Evening, Next Week Wednesday, 9th November from 5:30-7:30pmRecently awarded “Outstanding” Sixth Form, Top 10% of schools in England for Sixth Form Results!Click the link below to book your tickets free of charge



Harris Experience Advanced

Harris Experience Advanced was launched as a Federation Sixth Form academic enhancement programme in January 2013. Since then, we have had close to 200 of our gifted and talented students in Year 12 and 13 participating. In the Year 2013-14, we succeeded in bringing nine students to Oxbridge interviews, of whom four were offered places. We also gained three medical places and one dentistry school place. Many of our Harris Experience Advanced students were successful in their applications to Russell Group universities.

Harris experienceStudent SelectionHarris experience 2

The Harris Experience Advanced programme lasts for the duration of the sixth form, from early selection in the autumn term of Year 12 to final Year 13 exams. The programme aims to give our most academically able students outstanding preparation for some of the country’s top university destinations, including Oxford and Cambridge. Students have automatic entry into the programme if their GCSE average point score is above 50 points. Later in the autumn term, more students are added on their teachers’ recommendations. Once selected, students will need to agree to be on the programme and to attend the compulsory sessions – usually three a year in Year 12.  

Academic Programme

In Year 12, Harris Experience Advanced students are given the opportunity to meet each other at least three times a year as a group, to share ideas and to take advantage of special programmes like the MeDCAS programme and the Oxbridge Programme.  They also receive clear and tailored advice about top level university entry and we teach students how to build up a competitive profile.  They are expected to apply for and to attend extra-curricular academic events. Examples of this include Sutton Trust or UNIQ summer schools or a residential on a subject of their choice at Oxford or Cambridge. They may also go on university visits, attend special university events and the like.  They will be given guidance on applying to Russell Group universities and they will be tracked carefully, whether that relates to their personal statement writing or their current grades.   They may even receive extra academic support where appropriate.  In Year 13, their involvement in the programme will depend on their university choices. They have access to individual help and guidance throughout the year.

Oxbridge Programme

Students will be prepared for this in Year 12. There is a session at the end of Year 12 for those interested in applying and provided their final AS grades are suitable for Oxbridge entry (normally at least three grade A’s) they can choose to apply to either Oxford or Cambridge in August/September of Year 13. From this point onwards, applicants will be given intensive preparation, including support with their personal statements, guidance on required aptitude tests and essay submissions, help with selecting the right college and interview preparation.

Medical/Dentistry/Veterinary Programme

This runs throughout Year 12 and early Year 13. The programme is currently supported by MeDCAS, an outside agency based at St. Barts Hospital, and comprises sessions on practical medical skills such as taking blood pressure, suturing, first aid and so on, as well as preparation for the UKCAT and BMAT exams. MeDCAS also support students with gaining work and voluntary experience as well as helping students prepare for interview preparation and advising them on the quality of their applications. 


It is hoped that Harris Experience Advanced students will work hard to achieve top A Level grades and aim for Russell Group universities. They are also expected to spend time with some of our younger students on the Harris Experience programme (Years 9 and 10) to help foster academic confidence and raise aspirations. 

Latest Tweets

  • September 13 An amazing kick-off at the Harris Federation Apprenticeship Launch! 🎉 200 students & parents joined us at Queen Mary University. Huge thanks to all who attended, to for organising & for their continued support.
  • March 13 Students who purchase their own subscriptions spend around £600 for this fantastic, grade-maximising platform that incorporates revision, retrieval and exam practice, so we are delighted to be funding this for every individual for their full courses. Read more
  • March 13 UpLearn’s model enables students to add hundreds of hours of independent learning and review, utilising AI and tailored learning interventions to ensure that every student can reach their full potential, get top grades and go on to their destination of choice.
  • March 13 We are delighted that all Harris Sixth Form students studying Sciences/Maths/Psychology/Economics now have fully-funded access to UpLearn.
  • March 13 Students who purchase their own subscriptions spend around £600 for this fantastic, grade-maximising platform that incorporates revision, retrieval and exam practice, so we are delighted to be funding this for every individual for their full courses. Read more
  • March 13 UpLearn’s model enables students to add hundreds of hours of independent learning and review, utilising AI and tailored learning interventions to ensure that every student can reach their full potential, get top grades and go on to their destination of choice.
  • March 13 Super proud to announce our three-year partnership with The Harris Federation.We're delighted to be supporting thousands of students across all 28 Sixth Form schools.Find out more... Read more
  • March 13 Super proud to announce our three-year partnership with The Harris Federation.We're delighted to be supporting thousands of students across all 28 Sixth Form schools.Find out more... Read more
  • September 26
  • September 26 Come along to the open evening at our campus. Tour the Academy, hear from the head teacher and find out more from current students. Thursday 5th October 2023
  • May 12 Apply now for September 23Read more Read more
  • March 8 A huge thanks to Sophie Willmott from BT who led an apprenticeship event for students and parents yesterday at HCACP. Representatives from the NHS, and the finance sector also contributed to this event.